Adults suffering with ADHD are often times intelligent and creative individuals. ADHD does make life difficult to manage. ADHD results from an imbalance in neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that relay signals to the brain. Adults may have trouble concentrating and prioritizing. Getting the proper diagnosis and treatment can help adults live a more focused and organized lifestyle.
Diagnoses of Adult ADHD
Mental health care professionals are trained to diagnosis ADHD. Screening tests are one of the tools professionals use as part of their evaluation. Evaluations will ask things such as does the patient have a quick temper, have difficulty staying focused on what is being said during conversations, allows minor annoyances to upset them, says things without thinking, makes quick decisions without thinking of the results, has high and low moods, relationships are strained, and does the patient become upset by many different things.
Common signs and symptoms of Adult ADHD can include zoning out during a conversation, extreme distractibility, difficulty paying attention, tendancy to overlook details, and poor listening skills.
The symtoms of Adult ADHD sometimes are actually the result of depression, anxiety, mania, and other associated disorders. These disorders need to be ruled out before ADHD can be diagnosed.
Treatment for Adult ADHD
Adult ADHD is treated using either medication, behavioral therapy, or a combination of both. Stimulants such as Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse, and Ritalin can help increase neurotransmitters in parts of the brain. This helps patients control impulses and focus.
Behavioral therapy helps teach patients with Adult ADHD to schedule their lives, what things they should focus on, and how to set priorities.
Vigorous exercise for at least 30 minutes daily can also help increase neurotransmitters.
Considerations Regarding Adult ADHD
Diagnosis and treatment of Adult ADHD will help people learn to live more fulfilling and less stressful lives on a daily basis.
Medications doses may need to be increased or decreased over a period of time to find the proper dosage for each patient. Behavioral therapy will depend on patients needs and objectives.
No blood test or brain scan can diagnose Adult ADHD. If a person suspects they have the disorder, evaluation needs done by a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in the disorder.